skot terrier túra

Délelőtti edzés2019.05.11 Szombat, 09:36:00



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14.51 km Szint: 416 m


15:53 p/km (3.78 km/h)


Hanna 15 km walk with Gyongyi. She was good until the hill and then she was in a terrible star immediately, unfortunately. We met Eva and her boyfriend of the moment, Kalman, atthe cave, nearthe bottom of the hill. I introduced them to each other. They were doing the 26 km walk. Eva obviously wanted to avoid me and they lagged behind but tomorrow avail due to Gyongyi continual tantrum-throwing.

14.51 12.26 12.42 15.42 16.27 13.03 13.21 14.03 17.31 29.36 

17.57 14.37 15.57 13.11 3.3 av.

The last km we talked to a Dorog couple who we had interchanged with for a lot of the walk Kovacs Csilla and Soil/Zsolt.


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