skot terrier futás

2013.05.25 Szombat, 10:15:00



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26.63 km


06:19 p/km (9.49 km/h)


Today is the Kinizsi 100 which at one point I was hoping to attempt but, characteristically, I was let down by a Hungarian idiot. Anyway I decided to run from Nyerges to Nagy-Gete and back, while at the same time running 40K. It didn't work out as I got completely lost on the way there. I slept really badly last night and as a result the running didn't go well and I'm really knackered this evening. It was difficult to get up this morning but the good thing is despite sleeping very badly, God knows why, I went. I couldn't even run 2 kms before I needed a shit, and the problem was I shat in an exposed place, somebody came along and, as a result, I got shit everywhere and because of that I didn't want to take my Trackster bottoms off, although the weather warmed up nicely later. Running to the Nagy-Gete wouldn't have been the 40 kms I wanted to do, maybe I would have had to run as far as Dorog. On the way out I didn't have to walk once, but here was a downhill before the Tokodi-pincék which I thought I wouldn't be able to run up on the way back and I didn't really try as I was tired by that point. I also did some walking out of Mogyorosbanya, but not much, in the village really. I only only really lost my momemtum when I realised I was going the wrong way and , despite turning back, I couldn't find the right path. One good thing was that I didn't need to use a plaster for my foot. The hill out of Mogyorosbanya in the Dorog direction is very "fincsi". After my experience of last week where I bonked, and with my plan to run 40 kms, I took a lot more food - 2 cheese rolls, some cheese cubes, some dried apricots, plus of course the usual muesli bars. I ate one bread roll while I was walking when I was lost. the other I brought home. I used both my black bag and my orange bag, but the orange I didn't really need as all I had in it was my running jacket which I didn't need. I tried to stop my phone all the time, and it was my watch which I left running and that recorded about 3.55, the 'about' being because I only realised as I was driving through the town that I had forgotten to stop it. The big difference is because of all the walking which, unfortunately, I didn't use my GPS for, but it also inlcludes such thing as given a driver instructions which way to go. When I can I will go again and find the right way. The CP was already organised at Tokod-pincék, and after that I saw 2 runners, not together, doing the 100, with the first saying that he wasn't doing it offiicially. Of course after that I went the wrong way, and when I finally got back on the right route I wasn't on the 100 route for long. I actually noticed the Kakukk pub in Mogyorosbanya for the first time today, although it turned out I had run past it last weekend.


Idő Táv
02:48:21 26.63 06:19 9.49 0 0 0 0
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