skot terrier futás

2013.04.07 Vasárnap, 10:00:00



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28.46 km


04:36 p/km (13.05 km/h)


Having eaten soup with virsli on Saturday I was worried about poo pooing, but had lots of poopooing in the morning - maybe eating the soup earlier. myabe 18.00, helped. Very pleased with my run as I didn't die. OK I slowed down, but that's not the same. Beat Schneider Gabor and that guy from Petfürdö and I had a right battle with Richard. I started off faster than him, then early on he overtook me, then later I caught him up, and for kms on end he held me off until maybe the 18 km mark and then that was it. He came in 7 mins behind me, but he couldn't cope with being beaten by me. Not warm - I wore my 2 T-shirts plus Nike, and took my Mari gloves in my black bag, but in the end I ended up taking off my NIke plus my thinner long-sleeved T-shirt. 4.44,4.33,4.27,4.28,4.27,4.28,4.33,4.32,4.18,4.29,4.33,4.38,4.35,4.44,4.39,4.25,4.45,4.31,4.28,4.39,4.46,4.34,4.42,4.35,4.46,4.51,4.46,4.49. My time on the phone is 2.11.35 because it took me that long to get to the phone as it was in the black bag under my gloves etc. Filip Kristian ran 1.45.20 and was first.. There were several runners from the Esztergom running club including the woman who I spoke to about her little bag.  I have to say her face was slightly familiar, but it was only when I saw her in her Esztergom T-shirt that it dawned on me who she was. Even then I had to look to see if she was wearing a little bag, and she was. It turns out the first woman was exactly 5 mins slower than me, and I recognised her name, as she's also a member of the Esztergom club, and she ran 3.24 in the Bratislava marathon 2 weeks ago. My 21 km split was 1.35.42 so about the same time as for the half marathon in Jan.

Monday 11.00 I'm still under the influence of yesterday's race and I'm tired. Saw some pictures of the race today. I could see the two guys who I raced more than half of the race, and who stopped to drink at the drink stations (Thank God!!!), the guy who overtook me before Pakozd, and the guy who overtook me running back to the South side from Pakozd, the guy in the blue T-shirt who overtook me after a few kms, and whom I later re-overtook, Richard, the guy in the yellow jacket who I was never able to catch up, even though I was closing in on him, but then I lost my forward momentum. I was closing in on a guy in a red top in the last few kms, but that was all. Today it looks like spring is coming. Hurrah. On the basis of pictures taken just after the end of Velence I was 23rd, although at that point I was 24th, overtaking 4 people, and being overtaken by 3 after that. 


Idő Táv
02:10:50 28.46 04:36 13.05 0 0 0 0
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