skot terrier futás

2013.03.24 Vasárnap, 09:10:00



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31.94 km


05:54 p/km (10.18 km/h)


Well slightly slower since I last ran it - maybe 20 mins slower, but conditions weren't good. There were still patches of snow which I couldn't always avoid and between the Vadaszhaz and Tolna there was plenty of ice to avoid. Had thought I would be running 40 kms today, but fucked up as it turned out the organised walk, in the Vértes, was on Saturday, but maybe it worked out well, as I was very tired by the end of this run, but havibg said that, the good thing is that I actually did it. 2 shits, 1 at 10.51 and the second at 34 mins at Kalvaria. Actually saw another runner . he was running down the hill among the houses as I was running up. Ate 2 muesli bars. For the first time ever I could run up that hill between Tolna and the Arany-lyuk. Of course the course is a bit longer, esp. time wise because of the extra bit added on by the Szent laszló menet organisers at Baj vadaszhaz. I don't know what happened to the GPS but it stopped working soon after the Vadaszhaz, something I only found out about in Tolna when I stopped to see how many kms I had run. It recorded 10.61 kms and 67.22,  which of course includes two pit stops. 4.53,4.57,6.48,5.13,5.30,5.06,9.16, 8.32,6.02,7.13,3.52 I saw something on the phone about 4.22 kms and 20 something minutes which might be the second part of the run to Tolna. I was surprised to see 17.11 kms for the run home 7.34,8.04,8.02,6.11,7.18,5.44,5.10,4.44,7.10,5.48,6.05,5.09,5.05,5.20,5.19,5.38,5.39,0.50. You can see how slow I was running at the end. Doing this run today was wonderful. The fact that I could do it was great. I don't mean physically but the fact that I had problem getting myself out there and I even did the Új-hegy way which I hadn't done for a while. 


Idő Táv
03:08:11 31.94 05:54 10.18 0 0 0 0
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