skot terrier futás

2012.07.21 Szombat, 10:20:00



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23.6 km Szint: 600 m


05:15 p/km (11.41 km/h)


No idea of the temperature but the weather was good. I had wanted to cycle to Tarjan but it was tipping it down. It was raining really heavily on and off in the early morning and I was worried what the weather would be like at the race and how muddy it would be, especially as we ran on the same course as the mountain bikers had already used. Anyway as I've already said the weather turned out good and it wasn't really muddy. There weren't many runners, especially for the 25K. but Feri was there, the guy who I had raced again at the last Tó-futas and just beat at the end. I started off in third place, with Feri second, but at the top of the first hill I was able to overtake him, and it was obvious from his breathing he was going too fast. I then found myself in 2nd, a position which I was able to keep. I had no chance of catching up the guy who won - he ran 18 minutes faster than me. It was a one lap course, and because it had to be suitable for the mountain bikers, wasn't too steep, although it did include Somló var. I didn't have to walk once and I was running on my own for most of the race, although I did have some mountain bikers for company. That was interesting because I was faster than them uphill. I don't think I've ever been second in a race before. Thank God Enikő wasn't there. There was just 1 woman in our race. I was in a good state after the race, not my usual knackered self. The course was well marked, which was great. Of course didn't need a poo poo, but the big thing was I forgot to wear my calf sleeves and no problem! When I realised early on I was very worried. Fortunately there weren"t many places where I had to climb on my toes. Average speed 12.09 !4th August -Tata minimarathon day and knew Feri might be there who uses a Garmin and would be able to tell me the real distance and unfortunately he could - 1.4 kms less than the advertised!!! which drops my average speed down to 11.41 kph. What a shame.


Idő Táv
02:04:05 25 04:58 12.09 0 0 0 0
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