skot terrier futás

Délutáni edzés2020.05.03 Vasárnap, 12:03:00



Edzés ideje



28.58 km Szint: 373 m


05:46 p/km (10.41 km/h)


The Lovasbereny tura again but in the opposite direction. I had no idea of my previous time and I had no idea that I  was well under 3 hours last time so it was just luck that I was 3 mins faster this time. Having said that I ran half a km more this time as I realised from the map that the route actually goes through the grounds of the  big house in the centre of Lovasbereny.

5.36 5.11 4.45 5.52 6.24 6.55 5.36 4.36 4.52 7.05 7.55 8.07 5.33 4.57 

5.19 5.28 5.09 5.46 5.35 5.27 5.18 5.15 5.22 5.24 

6.35 5.46 6.13 5.45 11.5 av.


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