skot terrier futás

Délelőtti edzés2019.02.03 Vasárnap, 08:57:00



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23.43 km


05:07 p/km (11.73 km/h)


Did sth today which I haven't done for what seems a long time - ran on the road - normal way to the kayak club, then path to the Épitök park, then bike path to Decathlon (more than 11 kms),, to the start of the bike path at the roundabout, bike path, deritő and then joining at Fáklya st. as I had found some kind of residence permit belonging to one of the Güntner Indonesians which I took to him, "relay" route back to the Épitök park, OL, Spar and home the longer bakery way. Only 1 Ps, in the 1st 2 kms. Strong headwind on the outward journey.


4.55,4.52,4.50,4.54,4.59,5.07,5.30,5.30,5.14,5.12,5.10,12.5 av.

1.47.56 for the half-marathon.

As forecasted, warmer weather and wore a thinner jacket which I soon took off. At the same time I changed to my KL gloves.


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