skot terrier futás

2017.07.16 Vasárnap, 10:16:00



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22 km


05:35 p/km (10.73 km/h)


First run using my back up stop watch as I went by car and only realised when I was getting ready that I had left my GPS watch at home. I'm sure I've over estimated the distance and I will go back at some point and do the run again while wearing my GPS watch. The whole run was very flat apart from 2 short hills and there was quite a lot of road running, unfortunately. It turns out the watch is very basic but at least it has a stopwatch function which I can stop which was very necessary as I stopped so many times inc. 5x for ps due to last night's early evening "lunch" with tinned babgulyás. If I had taken my GPS watch I would have made sure I got in my targeted 24 kms.

What was good though was that I finally got to visit that old ruined church I had been wanting to see for ages but I was disappointed to find out that it's fenced off so couldn't actually get to see it properly. Also visited Gerencser vár, maybe the one castle in the Vértes which I hadn't been to so far.

What I also did was to freak out after 14.59 minutes of running re. leaving my car lights on and deciding to go back and check but was strong and was able to go back and continue running after that -I hadn't left them on which was the good news.

Have worked out my run for when I go back there - it will be longer!

What I forgot to mention is that I wore my new off-road shoes for the first time and no problem!!!


Idő Táv
02:02:58 20 06:09 9.76 0 0 0 0
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