skot terrier bringázás

2015.06.13 Szombat, 09:38:00



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35.51 km Szint: 585 m


05:00 p/km (11.99 km/h)


Today was the Oroszlány MTB 40. I was lazy, not putting on the alarm. As a result I knew I would be to late to register which wasn't a problem as there was no was O was going to pay 2,200 fts. I had actually remembered 2,00 fts and I was going to pay it, but when I found out this morning it was that extra 200 fts I thought "fuck it". But it didn't anyway as there was no way I was going to get on time, anyway. I had a head wind going and the road from Környe was so fucking busy that I decided I would join the route at Majk. I joined it at where the yellow path diverges from the road but it looks like nodody else did that, but went to Majk on the road and then joined the yellow path. What was good that I did the short section of the yellow path which I had never done, and it look like I actually found the real mining museum, which is tucked behind the buildings Yolanda and I saw when we looked for it once. We cycled on the yellow path and then another couple of paths which lead us to tracing several kms of the route of last Nov's off-road race in Várgesztes. We then went through Vérteskozma and onward on the road to Sárkányvölgy which we had to cycle up. That was actually much more cyclable than I had expected. just before Újosztás I bumped into Bárna and Rita from Fehérvár and while talking there 2 cyclists caught me up who I ended talking to. The Nagy-Somlyo hill which I had seen so many times behind  Vértessomló was on the menu and I had to work hard to cycle up it. There was a 10 stretch which ííi didn't even try due its steepness, but was the only time I didn't cycle because of the steepness. One of the 2 guys who I got talking to at the top was at least as good as me going uphill, but the other was weak, but both of them were better than me on the off-road downhills.. The strong guy, Tomi, was from Komárom and his mum and a friend of hers had done the 20 km walk and I got  virsli from them as they didn't want it, which was very good. Niró Viktor reckons the climbing was over 800 metres.


Idő Táv
02:57:39 35.51 05:00 11.99 585 0 0 0 0
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