skot terrier futás

2014.11.22 Szombat, 08:05:00



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48.19 km Szint: 921 m


06:26 p/km (9.33 km/h)


Iszi 50. The alarm went off at 05.00, ang got up pretty quickly, so plenty of time before leaving at my targetted time of 07.15 although, of course, I was a couple of mins late. Train was 10 mins late. Walked up the train before arriving in Szárliget and met László Szilvi, who told me Gábor was here. Like me, she thought the 1,700 fts was joke money, so she wasn't entering either. Gábor did enter though so had to wait 5 mins for that. Wanted to take it esy as I wanted this to be third time lucky, as the first two times I had given up at Bánya-hegy. This was esp. important as one of my student might be willing to meet at the end, a great opportunity, but also a bit of pressure to not give up. When we got the road before Nagyegyháza we overtook Noszák Jani and then Szilvi. After we left the village we caught up to the masses and there I dropped Gábor for the first time as I was overtaking much better. At the bottom of that short steep hill I stopped my watch and took off a top while waiting for him. Whilst doing that he passed by and I only caught up to him at the forest road. The next time we stopped was after 11 kms, at Somlyó-hegy, where I stopped my watch again as it was a CP. The 3rd I stopped my watch was at a feed station on the downhill road after the hill. I did that because , without pushing it, unlike last year, I had dropped Gábor. We then continued and I dropped him again, this time for good. Last year, when I pushed the downhill I didn't drop him. Interesting. I continued my non-stop running to Bánya-hegy which was 30.5 kms and 3.01. After that I managed to run 2 more kms, before walking for the 1st time. In that 2 kms I chased a runner who turned out to Kovács György and then, almost immediately we caught up to Dolgos György. From then on I did a mixture of walking and running. For a while I used KG to push me but at KIs Geri he finally dropped me. I then only saw him at the end, in the pub. DG also caught me up when I had to stop and answer the phone on the downhill into Púsztamárot. I was also overtaken by a guy, who it turned out was from Jászberény. He wasn't familiar with the way and, as he was just just in front me, before we got to that right hand turn which is very easy to miss, I shouted to him, telling him to wait for me. He then followed me until the Bajna road. That was good for me as, again, I had sb to push me. There was an EP there where official entrants could get a hot-dog. I carried on, the other guy stopped, and I met him again at the pub, just as we were leaving, so I had dropped him quite a lot, but he was doing the 100K, as was DG, but not KG. It turned out later that Szilvi caught up to Gábor there and they then stayed together until the end. On leaving that EP there was another runner, I think. I soon overtook him, but then Gergő, my driver, phoned again, and I only caught the guy up when we reached the other side of the hill. So afer Peliföldszentkereszt, it was the Blue Plus route which I did for only the 2nd time, and the first time in that direction. There was an up-hill where I saw 2 people up ahead. I tried to catch them but I couldn't as they were also runners. As I was reaching the centre of the village, I saw a women runner leaving, from the side, and I thought "Is that Enikő?" It turned out later that I was right. I also mer Börscök András in the pub as he was just leaving. I had no reason to go into the pub, but I had asked Gergő to take some pics on my phone which I wanted to put on facebook immediately so we went into the pub to do that. Thinking about it now, Enikő has gone well in the first, admittedly easier half, less than 6 hrs, but what's interesting is Jucus. She's gone faster as I never saw her, but she's a fanatic. She did the Tanuhegy 42 the following Sat!!!. The first 32 kms my average was just above 10 kph, and after just above 8 kph. No PSs!!! 6.52,4.47,5.00,4.57,5.02,5.45,5.32,7.28( the steep hill!),6.16,6.10,5.27,6.22,5.10,4.25 (maybe this is where I dropped Gábor!),4.53,5.08,5.29,6.01,5.38,5.51,5.43,6.19,6.21,5.50,6.10,6.34(now  on the uphill),6.38,6.57,6.35,7.45(the steepest part),6.37,5.57,8.09 (the walking started),7.57,6.55,8.26,7.38,7.03,6.59,6.26,6.52,6.42,10.43 (that horrible hill after the Bajna rd.),6.45,5.34,7.22,8.47,7.02,11.1 average.


Idő Táv
05:10:00 48.19 06:26 9.33 921 0 0 0
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