skot terrier futás

2013.02.09 Szombat, 09:20:00



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24 km Szint: 560 m


07:15 p/km (8.28 km/h)


Everything's approx as I forgot to ask for Yoli's phone. I fucked up my watch about half way round, and I totally went the wrong way thanks to very bad or possibly no markings. There was no map and no check points. The lack of check points I liked but the lack of a map I didn't, esp. as my map turned out not to show the path at all and it was there that I went the wrong way. Having said that, before the start an organiser actually told me that he wasn't sure there would any markings exactly at the point where I missed the turning. Hungarians are so lazy it's awful. Left 10 mins late from home and then farted around at the start so I eventually left at 09.20. Was pleased to see other cars in the cemetery car park. As far as Pilisjenő the path was OK, snow and ice but not too deep snow. We had to go through the village and then the uphill climbing started plus the loads of snow. There was a total of 400 metres climbing as far as Nagy-Kopasz at 14.5 kms and it wasn't easy as there was a lot of snow and it was oftern slippy and I think it was there that I first fell over. I was continuously trying to keep my eye out for Hever Gabor and it was pure fortune that I found him or should I say he found me. It was at Nagy-Kopasz and I stopped there and it turned out he was there and he realised who I was which was lucky as I couldn't have recognised his bag as it was on the bench facing the wall. I couldn't understand a word he said. I recognised Nagy-Kopasz from last year's Zöld 45 and the route follwed the same path for a short while before turning left onto the Red Triangle path which I remembered from last year even though we didn't use it. It was on this path that I missed the right hand turning and continued. When I started getting worried I had gone too far I didn't want to turn back so I started following a path going to the right which seemed well-trodden. Eventually I decided to do another right-hand turn although maybe I was going in the right direction but I had no idea where I was. But it worked out well as I soon heard some voices and 2 walkers helped me a bit. They didn't know where we were but they told me to go to the bottom of the hill and then go left and they were right, although I did go a little bit further and found the Scouts' camp which I knew existed from thinking about doing an organised walk which finishes there. It was on the map but I nearly started going in totally the opposite direction, but fortunately I came to my senses immediately and I found the road which took me to Petnehazy which I recognised from my 2 runs from Déli station to Szomor/Tb. Another unmarked-on-my-map path appeared - the Red Cross which I didn't recognise at all although it turned out to be a path I had done in the other direction twice and was where I had come across the Mountain triathlon girl running. I then found my way to Budakeszi and the finish where I saw people who I had overtaken either at the Nagy-Kopasz or even earlier. Had a cup of tea and then found the bus-stop - the finish was at a pub next to the bus station. I had to wait a while but fortunately I got talking to another walker. The bus was jam-packed and for a second I was worried we wouldn't be allowed on. It was 300 something forints and took me to Zsambék. We had to stand the whole way. The second time I fell over was on the raod from the Scout camp. It was minus 7 when I set off from Tata this morning and zero when I arrived in Budakeszi. I fucked up my watch at 10.45 and I took 5 mins off for stops. From then on it was 1.36. I had 3 Muesli bars with me and I ate all of them. 


Idő Táv
02:54:00 24 07:15 8.28 0 0 0 0
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