skot terrier futás

2012.11.25 Vasárnap, 11:03:00



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19.03 km


04:41 p/km (12.83 km/h)


1.42.43 on Yolanda's phone. this includes 2 shits, and stopping to talk to Török Robi and Cyrille. My running time might actually be less as I'm not sure the 11.11 I recorded before the first shit is good, myabe being too much. Great weather, especially towards the end. Should have run anti-clockwise but as this was the first ever 3 lakes run decided to play safe by going clockwise as tthat meant I reached the Deritö lake turn off quicker but I paid for it from the point of view that it was the worst direction from the wind point of view and, writing this, I've just realised the wind is coming from the south which explains the good weather. Loads of people round the Ol, maybe because of the 2 day wild geese watching. Had originally planned to run an organised walk in the Vértes but drinking a coffee at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon was a big mistake as I woke up at 3 o'clock in the morning and never slept well after that, eventually getting up at 8 o'clock. Have started thinking one day a weekend going away in the car is enough. AS Sunday is the one day in the week when the bakery isn't open didn't wear my orange bag, but did take my black bag which was good as I took my running jacket off later. I measured the distance with Yoli's phone which I carried in my jacket pocket. Not going to the Vértes actually worked out well as it was good to a longer run on the flat and it was also good to do it despite spending lots of time talking to Yolanda after her disasterous race yesterday.


Idő Táv
01:28:59 19.03 04:41 12.83 0 0 0 0
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