skot terrier futás

2013.04.27 Szombat, 07:35:00



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38.86 km Szint: 1079 m


06:18 p/km (9.52 km/h)


Nyerges 40. Advertised as 42.5 but, as you can see, came out a bit shorter (Thank God!!!!!) I did the race and, believe it or not, was 3rd. According to the info. in the TTT it was supposed to start at 07.15 but when I looked at the website it said 07.30. I sent a clarifying email on Friday morning but the organiser replied so late I only saw the message this morning. I had decided I would go much earlier anyway because of the heat and one attraction of doing the race was that I didn't want to cue up for ages to enter. Arrived at the last monent and needed a shit, but unfortunately I needed another shit in Labatlan and if I hadn't had that shit I might have been second as I lost 3 mins for the shit and the 2nd place guy was only a minute ahead of me at the end. Because of me we set off at 07.35. Fridman was there and it turned that he had won last year as he did this year, but while last year he ran 3.40 something this year he ran 3.24. We started off together and he said the start was too fast for him and that his pulse had gone up to 160. The guy who was second overtook me after a few kms and when I last saw them before the first CP in Labatlan, he was just behind Laci. It was very soon after that I had to have a shit which unfortunately was very liquidy and in my pants. I only went the wrong way once and I soon realised my mistake. I only had to eat 1 cereal bar as I got a small chocolate bar and a banana at what was maybe the half way point. The first half is hillier and I was able to run all of it apart from the last part of the last hill joining the blue path and not long before what I had guessed was about the half way point. After that I decided to walk the uphills. It was very good that I had done training on the blue path and also the time Yolanda and I had used the blue path to go climbing in Bajot worked out very well. My official time was 4.07 something. 05.00,04.52,05.14,05.39,05.17,04.29,07.41,06.29,08.21,05.43,07.05,06.31,05.02,04.15,06.31,07.21,07.27,07.16,07.34,06.48,06.56,05.09,06.37,05.47,05.19,05.44,07.07,08.34,05.34,04.55,09.03 (maybe Péli CP),07.58,08.24,05.39,05.18,09.20,05.27,05.36. I'm guessing we had lost up to 2 kms before Péliföldszentkereszt as the official distance was 32.2 and my guess is that was the 31st km for me. Then my guess is the slowest km was walking up to Magyar-hegy and that was my 36th km so  we lost another km between Péliföld and Magyar hegy. I've just realised the Endomondo isn't good. I remember when I finished seeing a total distance of 38 something kms and  being surprised later when I saw 36.29, but now I've just noticed that the splits show that I ran 38 kms in 4.03.02 so I've put in a new distance which mean we only lost about 3.5 kms as the advertised distance was 42.3 (actually 42.5 but the sheet we got says the 42.3) From Péli to Bajot an 11 year old boy ran with me. He was very curious and wanted to know everything about me. I was at Labatlan at 8.05,Hajos-völgy at 08.55,Fica-forras at 09.53, Péli at 10.40 and Magyar-hegy at 11.24. At the end I was doing some walking, maybe the last 2 kms. I One good thing was that the phone battery lasted the race - that's really good news. ' now I think it was lucky I didn't do the Gerecse 50 as it would have been too far for me. I was able to have a shower afterwards, something I only found out by accident because of Fridman and only because the starting place had moved. The boy was only doing the 20. So my average speed was less than 10 kph. From Péli there were loads of people and that wasn't good. Started off in the green Christmas T-shirt, but at the second CP changed into the Matrabérc top. I found my official time -4.07.29


Idő Táv
04:04:00 38.86 06:17 9.56 0 0 0 0
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