skot terrier futás

2012.10.21 Vasárnap, 07:00:00



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32.5 km Szint: 910 m


05:56 p/km (10.10 km/h)


Disaster - the old problem - couldn't sleep. Woke up soon after 01.00 and couldn't really go back to sleep. The advantage was that I could get up at 04.10 which was good from the preparation point of view, rather than 04.45. The big disadvantage is that I think is bad for my health. I had problems with my 2 middle fingers in my left hand, and I think that's because of the bad sleeping. Had wanted to leave at 06.10, but ended up leaving at 06.20, but that turned out to be enough, despite fog between Tata and TB. I was surprised to see how fast 5 guys started. It turned out there was a good reaon. The 2 guys who finished joint first, ran 2.29, an improvement on the course record of 22 mins. One of those guy won the BP marathon this year, and the other was the guy who I met training with Kaboca. He reckoned they could have gone 10 mins faster. Had to stop for one shit, but didn't waste time wiping my bum. Of course the good thing about my time is that it's official, which means it includes any stopping. Most of the run I was on my own, only the first few kms being different. I could run non-stop until Szarvas-kut. I was 11th. Used my new Ron HIll bag, which I bought yesterday, for the first time today, and was able to fit in my yellow jacket which I wore at the beginning. Was about 1.26 to Vérteskozma, and 2.20 to Szarvas-kút. Fell over near the end on the downhill. There was just one woman, and only one runner, a man, finished why I was there talking to the other runners. Nem tudtam, de Nedus tartotta a palyacsucsot eddig, és Ő 3. volt ma, 2.47 -val. Jozsi Gabor and Szabo Imre, 5th, with 2.28, on the Bp marathon, were I st equal. 9. was 2.59, the guy in a white slong-sleeved T-shirt who overtook me and Norbi was 3.00. About 10 deer ran across the path in front me once, maybe the nearest I've ever been to deer. Another guy said it was 32.7 km, but only 850 metres climbing. It was obviously disappointing that I couldn't run all the way and that my time wasn't better, but at least I did run up zhe Vargesztes hill for the first time, and I did run the first part of that hill after the castle.


Idő Táv
03:13:00 32.5 05:56 10.10 910 0 0 0
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