skot terrier futás

2012.06.02 Szombat, 08:37:00



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40.5 km Szint: 650 m


05:50 p/km (10.30 km/h)


I don't know where to start there's so much to say. This was easily the longest run of my life. I've done longer races e.g. the Camelbak 48K but not non-stop running. Obviously I had to stop at the ckeckpoints, and the last one I even sat down because I knew I wanted to look at my map, but still about 30 kms was the longest I had done without any walking before. Of course from this point of view the Vértes is the ideal place to start as it has the least climbing. I was 1.44 at the castle so I'm sure I would have been slower than last year if I had only been doing the 30. Having said I knew I was going to do the 40 so maybe I was slower because of that. I had one bad patch between Gesztes and Mindszentpuszta where I had to stop and get a Tesco muesli bar out of my bag but I started running again once I had organised that. From Gesztes I only came across one other participant, another runner, at the unmanned CP between Mindszentpuszta and Oroszlany. Up to Gesztes there were loads of people. I don't know whether that was because I started nearly an hour later than last year or what. My old problem came back - I was awake at 04.15, but I didn't get up until at least an hour later. When I set off from home and when I arrived home it was raining, but it didn't rain at all in Oroszlany while I was there. Having said that it was much cooler than last year. Early on I thought I would need to have a pit stop but it passed. When I set off in the morning I was really worried about the weather and thinking it could be an interesting morning. I didn't see Enikő or her car. The good thing about this walk is that I can have a shower afterwards. I have been in a much better state than normal after a long run. From Gesztes to Oroszlany was mostly unknown paths or paths which I had been on but in the other direction. The only part which I had done the same way was the part I shouldn't have done when I did the Kozma 30. What a bastard - I missed 70K for this week by 0.1K! I wore a SLTS and had my small orange bag. Didn't eat virsli at the end - I wasn't hungry. So any way now I can consider the Nyerges 40. I actually arrived back at 12.46, which means 4.09 so I lost 14 mins with looking at the map. My average was 10.30 which is a little bit slower than last year's over 12. I found out, by accident, that Enikő wasn't there - she arn 44K in the Gerecse. Logical from the point of view that she's doing a mountain marathon in Italy on the first of July, but not logical from the point of view that she should be looking for somewhere much hillier to train on. She went at 06.40 and was running for 5.25 so not fast! It's difficult to not make my training diary public, as I§'m very proud of my run but it's in English so no-go. One more thing - it turns out I did a 70+ week in June, the week I ran 42 kms at the weekend at the Hegyek Kiralya.


Idő Táv
03:55:55 40.5 05:50 10.30 0 0 0 0
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