skot terrier futás

2012.04.08 Vasárnap, 08:50:00



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26.39 km


05:39 p/km (10.63 km/h)


Fucking hell! Look at the temperature. It was fucking 1.0 at 6.40. Not only was it not warm, but it was windy, and of course a cold wind., and of course mostly in the wrong direction. I don't really know my exact time because I had to leave my watch with Yolanda and, of course, she forgot to lend me one of hers. It was 11.19 on the Tb station clock when I arrived back, and I assumed the train was on time arriving in Szarliget. Not having a watch means my time includes any stops, of which there were 3, 1 before the steep hill to take my jacket off, one to get a cereal bar from my bag, and one to put the jacket back on. Was able to run the whole way. Had hoped to run further, but that was enough. No poos poos. Wow!!! It was so cold this morning that I had to come back for a thick LS T-shirt, which I wore all the time, and I even took my gloves with me, although I never needed them. The gloves and the T-shirt I had to bring back from stored-until-next-winter clothes. Two herds of deer ran across the path in front of me, the first the closest I've ever been to wild deer. In fact when I saw the second herd I started worrying because I realise if one of them ran in to me I would be in big trouble. IT's unbelievable how they just crash into the undergrowth - they must have very thick skins. This was only the second long off-road run I've done without walking, or maybe the third. The hard hill was no problem. The hardest was towards the end when I was getting very tired - the last uphill because it was the only really muddy part. Ran with my orange bag this time. Turns out htere is a wind measurement place in Szarliget and now, at 18.19, it's between 40-55 kph. Not bad.


Idő Táv
02:29:00 26.39 05:39 10.63 0 0 0 0
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