skot terrier futás

Délelőtti edzés2020.06.07 Vasárnap, 09:59:00



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28.96 km Szint: 667 m


07:03 p/km (8.51 km/h)


My first organised walk since the middle of March. Didn't pay as it was expensive - 2,500 fts - and inc. gulyas and cake at the end, neither of which I needed with the walk starting and finishing in Szarliget. I was tired and really only did it because of Eszter. If I'm not ill because of it, then I'll be glad I've done it, but only then. I was lucky - Eszti had said it would rain today but that I forgot about, although, having said that, I took a rain jacket and a cap because of that. Then I heard a woman, who was parked near me, mentioned the possibility of rain. As a result I took my rain jacket - if only I had taken a cap as well. Why? It started raining just before 19 kms but then, after Csakanypuszta I experienced the heavieast hail ever while outside - the hailstones were bigger than my thumbnail and twice I had to shelter under a low tree as the hailstones were really painful when they landed on my head. The whole walk was hard - I was actually thinking of wimping out this morning but then I sent a Monty Python clip to Eszti this morning and her reaction - I thought you would already be running - decided me. It was very lucky I went by car due to the weather. Until it rained it was warm and I ran in my Matraberc running vest. Right from the beginning I knew it would be a sufferfest and I considered doing the 19 km version but I had no idea where it went..What I only , finally 


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