skot terrier futás

Délelőtti edzés2019.05.25 Szombat, 08:38:00



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34.2 km Szint: 624 m


06:29 p/km (9.25 km/h)


6.11 6.21. 5.56 7.11 6.02 5.42 6.18 5.41 6.06 6.25


8.18 6.06 6.15 5.16 4.55 7.00 5.46 4.46 4.55 6.39


6.49 5.42 5.32 5.47 8.42 7.38 7.42 7.11 6.49 7.44


10.37 5.57 5.59 6.25 8.7 av.


Velence 35 which coincides with the first warm day of the year If I do this \'walk\"- again, I won\'t pay for it as  today there was a big drop in value for money with only 1 manned CP and that a 100 metres from a water pump!

Wow, I've just had some good news - I was 2 secs/km, on average, faster than last year - last year was nearly a km longer. I've just compared last year's km splits with this year's. I took out the 16th km from last year and basically every matched. It turns out that I was slower early on this year and after 11 kms I was 4 mins slower which basically means 22 secs/km. The next 12 were approx the same and then in the last 11kms which means the km before the big Sukoro hill and onwards I was 5.49 faster which means an average of 32 secs/km faster. Interesting but I felt much stronger up the hill, could run quite a lot of it and I felt surprisingly strong in the walking. I've just realised that gain was in the 1st 8 kms which means 44 secs/km - fucking hell.


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