skot terrier futás

2018.12.02 Vasárnap, 09:01:00



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23.08 km Szint: 384 m


06:18 p/km (9.52 km/h)


Gaja-völgyi Mikulás walk. Was supposed to be 26 kms. My official time was 2 hrs 40. The 15 minutes difference inc. 2 ps.




They wrote that pensioners got a 100 fts discount but the guy I had to pay knew nothing about it but gave me 200 fts discount!

Before the start I saw a group of runners just setting off and among them was Szimándl Anita. Didn't catch them up as a result of the 2 ps and maybe stopping to take off my jacket - I set off wearing loads of clothes - but after The Kástély in Fehérvárcsurgó I "overtook" them as they had gone the wrong way. After that they were always not far behind me which was bad news as they were very loud. Farting around with the taking off and then, once, doonind of clothes meant until the Vaskereszt They were always not far behind. It motivated me to run more than I would have done otherwise but I paid the price for that as the uphill after Varjuvár didn't go down well.


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