skot terrier futás

2014.12.06 Szombat, 09:27:00



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33.95 km


06:15 p/km (9.60 km/h)


Bakony Mikulás 30. I didn't put the alarm as I felt tired on Friday night and I just thought I would run what I had time for. Ended up getting up at 05.45. As usual my time doesn't include stops and this is relevant now as I had a significant stop in Zirc. We got a slice of pizza and a glass of warm tea, but the thing is we got the pizza on a plate and even if the weather had been ok outside the slice would have been too big to eat and walk. It wasn't good pizza and at first I didn't think I would eat it, but then I did. The other thing was that I had left my gloves at the first check point, by accident. Unfortunately then later it started to seriouly rain and, not having gloves, my hands got seriously cold, to such an extent that I was thinking of dropping out, but I was able to cadge a pair of gloves from the not so young woman who was  "manning" the checkpoint. They were a lifesaver. She also lent me an umbrella which I then carried for the rest of the run but never used. That slice of pizza was all that I ate the whole run. It was very muddy but my Salomon shoes were able to deal with it. I had 1 Ps early on. For a brief second while running next to the stream between Bórzavár and the railway I though I would start walking but I got over that very quickly. I think Zörög-hegy was what I went up during the Cuha 50 last year but it seemed much easier now. I thought my Keleti-Bakony map was pretty new, but one path - the red square doesn't appear on it, and I've just seen that the map was made 7 yrs ago. my first hour was under 10 kms (9.41) an hour but after that I was slowly making up for that  and before Örög-hegy I was only 0.05 under. That was good considering how slow I felt(and maybe was) early on. 5.53,5.39,6.49,7.20,6.20,6.01,6.35,5.53,5.42,6.04 (62.16),6.04,5.33,5.46,5.29,5.32(pulled back 1.36, so now only 40 secs down)5.11,5.52,6.44,7.00,5.41(lost 28 secs, so 68 secs down),5.31,5.23,6.30,5.46,5.51(pulled back 59 secs so only 9 secs down),5.24,6.12,7.38,7.21,9.21,7.10,6.43,5.03,8.0 average.


Idő Táv
03:32:08 33.95 06:15 9.60 0 0 0 0
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