skot terrier futás

2013.05.01 Szerda, 08:30:00



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32 km


06:05 p/km (9.87 km/h)


Vérteskozma 30 with 2 off-course problems, one my fault, the other the organisers' fault. When I started it was maybe 18 and when I finished maybe 26 degrees As I walked up the hill to the registration point several runners, not together, were just starting so I thought I had targets. Got my map etc. with a time of 08.25 but I asked that to be changed to 08.30 as I needed a shit so finally left at 08.30. The early kms seemed hard as they were mostly uphill, and I thought the first test of my state would be the hill between the 2nd CP and Vargesztes. Did I feel good ..... Wow - I was dancing up the hill, no problem. So the next challenge was the Vargesztes climbing hill. After that good omen on the hill, I was curious about the 2nd much harder hill. No problem!! It's always a good sign whne I'm not looking ahead when I'm running uphill. Here I wasnn't at all and I got to the right hand turn very quickly. The hardest part was after the steps. Then I soon had the next hill. Again no problem. My next question was where the next hill would be. I was worried it would be Vitanyvar, but, thank God, at the 3rd check point at Matyas küt, I found out we didn't go that way. The next and last steep hill was that hill which we run down in the VTM half-marathon. I hadn't been up there for ages and had never tried to run it before. Now I could do it. I was a bit dispirited going up it as I had gone the wrong way before and the worst thing was I had just overtaken the last 2 runners and it's possible they saw me going the wrong way and didn't say anything. Anyway I was motivated to catch them up and them leave them behind. That I did until I went the wrong way again. This was after the next CP, which was the familiar 1st CP from the VTM. It turned out we were on the red triangle path which Yolanda and I ran on in the VTM, except we joined it, but today we started from the beginning. Anyway I couldn't see any signs and farted around and waited for the 2 running guys. Although I had run this path with Yoli  I didn't recognise any of it. This path joins the VTM path which all the other distances use but we ran in the opposite direction. L ater there was a "szalagazott" section leading to the last CP. After that it was familiar territory. I wasn't fast running down the Dragon valley and on the road to Kozma one of the 2 guys plus the female runner who had appeared at the last CP just after me, having got lost, and presumaby doing the 20K, caught me up and started overtaking me. I was able to respond and us 2 men dropped the girl and then I dropped the man, and near the hill into Kozma I heard somebody catching me up and I had to work hard to hold him off and it turned out to be the other guy. Thought I would need a shit but I didn't. Started in a T-shirt and changed into a running vest after Maria kút. The Endomondo was terrible - a total waste of time carrying the phone. Found the 2 guys who I competed with. Their names are Soós Péter and Szantó Feri and their time was 3.23 which tells me without the 2 mistakes it would have been much more than 9 minutes difference although at least Poór Péter is a long distance runner - he has done Spartathlon everything. He was the one in the yellow top with the belly.  Friday - just seen that Szantó Feri's time was 03.55 - strange. He also ran 2.39 at Velence and 75 mins at the Kozma race, and he's 2 yrs younger than me.


Idő Táv
03:00:28 32 05:38 10.64 0 0 0 0
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