skot terrier futás

2012.10.17 Szerda, 08:50:00



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19 km


05:15 p/km (11.42 km/h)


Great weather. Maybe 7 degrees at the beginning and 11 at the end. Wanted to do similar to 2 weeks ago, with just a variation in Agostyan, but turned right on the road to Agostyan, on the dirt track to Baj. This was spontaneous as my legs didn't feel that great. Anyway I thought I would at least try Baj-hegy, and that I would try just take it sensibly, something which I had never been able to do before, but I figured I've done enough hill running now, and surely I can do Baj-hegy, and I could. Yessssss. I even thought about continuing up the hill to the Westel tower, but the normal hill was enough, and I'm glad, because that was enough, both time and effort wise. I ran back on the road from Agostyan to the bakery. It was so long since I had run on the Agostyan road like that. I can't remember the last time I did it. I had run part of the way, I would imagine last winter, but not as far as the railway crossing for example. So funny doing it now when the Agostyan race is coming up on Monday. Wasn't able to have a shit at all in the morning, so needed to stop for one after 10.27. I had changed my shorts because my other ones were still not dry from yesterday, but of course I forgot to organise some toilet paper. I realised this when I started running but was too lazy to go back, thinking I had some in my orange bag. I was lucky, as it turned out I only had very bits, not 5, but it was just enough, and I never needed another shit.


Idő Táv
01:39:52 19 05:15 11.42 0 0 0 0
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