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Már 54 852 797 km-t sportoltatok
A marathon in under 3 hours

Something different

martski | 2013-05-14 15:32:07 | 1 hozzászólás

Well I have just started travelling for 3 weeks to Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand - first time to Australia and New Zealand.

Things haven't worked out for me this half of the year with marathons, and half marathons, I haven't run one competitively yet. I have always wanted to mix up the runs and run on other countries, but the furthest I have got so far is Vienna. Why not Australia or New Zealand I thought to myself!

I found a half marathon that looks pretty interesting - Westerlands park half marathon in Melbourne, and have been preparing for that. I recently increased my distances and also run several interval sessions and tempo runs. Probably not enough to set a really good time, but hopefully getting close to 1h30 again. Now I have stopped drinking alcohol for 2 weeks, totally tightened up my diet and am soon getting into the taper. I have also increased the resistance on the powerbreather a lot; hopefully my breathing muscles are stronger than ever.

It is funny though to be so careful with diet and lifestyle when visiting Malaysia. Before when travelling here I met up with friends and had many long and late nights out. Not now, I am eating sensibly, getting my sleep and watching for next Sunday. I'll meet them, but I have warned them I am being very sensible and going to bed early! They are surprised.

The other thing that will be strange will be getting to this race in Melbourne. I finish my 5th day of training in KL, Malaysia on Friday, then at 2200 take the flight to melbourne that gets in at 0800 Saturday morning - an 8 hour flight - not very ideal! The race starts at 0800 Sunday and I have to get there early to register and pay before. I won't have a car, so have to rely on taxis there and back. It should be interesting! Probably a 0500 wake-up Sunday. I hope I get enough sleep, but the time difference works against me - 2 hours ahead of Malaysia. I'll try and sleep from 2100 or 2200, but it will feel like earlier. It might be possible though given I travel the Friday night and will probably be tired.

Oh well, it will be scenic - maybe I'll see a few kangaroos :)

The weekend after it's the bondi beach 4K barefoot run. Should be fun, but it could also be torture :)

1 hozzászólás

Bozót 4091 napja
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Good luck with those races! 

I'm envious, you know? :) Malaysia, Australia....*sigh*  :D

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