Megújul az Edzésonline! Az új oldalakat és funkciókat elérheted ha ide kattintasz!

Már 53 868 998 km-t sportoltatok
skot terrier
Futás skot terrier  futott  2018-03-15-n

Edzésvégzés időpontja
2018-03-15 09:12
Edzés típusa
Teljesitmeny tura, futva. (edzés)
Edzésmunka ideje
Megtett távolság
32.01 km
Edzés sebessége
9.03 km/h
Edzés tempója
06:39 p/km
522 méter
0 fok,
Edzés leírása





Sárkány-vőlgy walk, in Nemesvámos. Registered for the 43 km walk but cut it short because of my hamstring. It was 21.2 kms to where the 3 longer distances joined up for a short time and then 10.7 from there to the finish on the 20 km walk. Along way to go but a well-organised walk with 2 feed stations and well-marked out.. At the start I was in 2 minds which distance to opt for, the 43 or 33 and made the wrong choice, partly becuase of fucking Dávid who said he would pre-enter us, but, of course, he hadn't pre-entered me. I ordered the lentil gulyás at the start which was a good decision. Lots of people. Another reason I started the 43 was that I arrived in time. If I go again I will do the 33 so that I get to see Chopak and also either do new parts or the same parts in the opposite direction.

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